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Be free from manifestation (파도의 비유)

   Some waves on the ocean are high and some are low. Waves appear to be born and to die. But of we look more deeply, we see that the waves, although coming and going, are also water, which is always can be applied to waves, but water is free of such distinctions. Enlightenment for a wave is the moment the wave realizes that it is water. At the moment, all fear of death disappears. If you practice deeply, one day you will realize that you are free from birth and death, free from many of the dangers that have been assaulting you. When you see that, you will have no trouble building a boat that can carry you across the waves of birth and death. Smiling, you will understand that you do not have to abandon this world in order to be free. You will know that nirvana, the Kingdom of Heaven, is available here and now.

Living Buddha, Living Christ 상세보기

    삶과 죽음뿐만 아니라 나와 너의 경계를 허무는 데에도 파도의 비유가 도움이 될 것 같다.  높은 파도, 낮은 파도는 어떤 파도가 더 나은지 따지지 않는다. 백합과 장미꽃의 아름다움은 비교 대상이 아닌 것과 같다. 그러나 서로 '다른' (어느 쪽이 옳고 틀리고가 아닌) 파도는 본질적으로 '물'이라는 데 그 공통점이 있다. 같으면서도 다르고 다르면서도 같은 역설이다. 나와 너 또한 이와 같을 것이다.