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괴로운 감정을 어떻게 다스릴 것인가

1. 괴로운 감정을 다스리는 세가지 단계

     Mental afflictions do not simply vanish over time. They come to an end only as the result of conscious effort to undermine them, diminish their force, and ultimately eliminate them altogether.
If we wish to succeed, we must know how to engage in combat with our afflictive emotions We begin our practice of the Buddha’s Dharma by reading and listening to experienced teachers. This is how we develop a better picture of our predicament within the vicious circle of life and become familiar with the possible methods of practice to transcend it. Such study leads to what is called “understanding derived through listening.” It is and essential foundation for our spiritual evolution. We must then process the information we have studied to the point of profound conviction.This leads to “understanding derived through contemplation.” Once we have gained true certainty of the subject matter, we meditate on it so that our mind may become completely absorbed by it. This leads to an empirical knowledge called “understanding derived through meditation.”
These three levels of understanding are essential in making true change in our lives. (Dalai Lama, An Open Heart)

1단계는 앞서 괴로운 감정을 잘 다스렸던 분들의 말씀을 들어보는 것이다. 그리고 나서 그 말씀을 잘 생각해 보고 분석해 보는 것이 2단계이다. 이 단계를 거치면서 가르침의 의미를 알게 되고 확신을 가지게 된다. 마지막으로 확신이 든 가르침을 온 몸과 마음으로 받아들이는 명상의 단계를 거친다. (2단계와 3단계는 meditiaton의 두가지 종류인 analystic meditation, settled meditation과 각각 상응한다.) 이 세 단계를 거치면서 나보다 앞서 괴로운 감정을 훌륭히 다스렸던 분들의 가르침을 나의 것으로 소화할 수 있다.

2. 괴로운 감정에 휩싸이지 않기 위한 십계명

     Initially, it is impossible to combat these negative forces directly. We must approach them gradually. We first apply discipline ; we refrain from becoming overwhelmed by these emotions and thoughts. We do so by adopting an ethically disciplined way of life. For a Buddhist, this means that we refrain from the ten nonvirtuous actions. These actions, which we engage in physically by killing and stealing, verbally by lying or gossiping, and mentally coveting, are all expressions of deeper mental afflictions such as anger, hatred, and attachment. (Dalai Lama, An Open Heart)